Sculpting treatment for buttocks, abs, calves and triceps.


MediTone is our body sculpting and toning treatment at Transform Clinic Merivale.

The MediTone is regarded as the only non-invasive, non-surgical aesthetic treatment to build muscle and burn fat. Meditone is efficient and effective for muscle development in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, biceps, triceps, and calves. We love seeing how our MediTone treatments boost the confidence of our clients! 

The MediTone uses electromagnetic technology to contract muscles, the equivalent of 2000 squats or 2000 sit-ups per treatment. By Increasing muscle tone and increasing metabolism, adipose tissue (fat) is decreased.

Look more sculpted and toned by booking an appointment or a complimentary consultation at Transform Clinic Merivale. 


How does it work?

Using High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic technology, MediTone induces muscle contractions not achievable through exercise.  When exposed to these strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition. The muscle then starts remodelling its inner structure by multiplication of fibres and growth. 


Frequently asked questions

How many treatments to see results?

For the best results, it is usually recommended to complete a series of 6 to 8 sessions, spaced every 2 to 3 days. After this, we recommend maintenance treatments every 6 months. For a personalised treatment plan, come see our team for a consultation. 

What clinic is this available at?

Only available at our Merivale clinic.

Who is this suitable for?

It is suitable for people wanting to minimise fat and build muscle. However, it is not a weight loss treatment.

How long does a session take?

Each session is 20-30minutes.

Is there any downtime?

No down time but people may feel a little like they have had an intense workout the next day.

What areas can be treated with MediTone

Effective for muscle development in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, biceps, triceps, and calves.

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Individual results may vary.

Book your sculpting and toning Meditone treatment today.

MediTone is available at Transform Clinic Merivale. Get in touch for our pricing and packages available.