How much does it cost to remove a double chin?

Cost varies depending on the size of the treatment area and number of treatments required.

For moderately sized double chins, only 2-3 treatments are necessary. For larger chins, upwards of 6 treatments may be required. For information about treatment pricing, come in for a free consultation or get in touch.

Is Belkyra® safe?

Belkyra®  is approved by the FDA. Belkyra® contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occuring substance, which bursts fat cells to reduce the size of double chins. 

And because the treatment is non-surgical, there’s minimal risk for scarring or a need for local anaesthesia. 

Note - This treatment is not suitable for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Is it effective?

Yes, double chin reduction with Belkyra® is effective. Belkyra® permanently destroys fat cells in your neck/chin area so that they’ll never come back. 

Please note that fat cells are not the only cause of double chins. Things such as deep-lying fat, large neck & jaw muscles, and enlarged glands may also cause double chins, for which Belkyra® is not effective at treating.


Where can you treat with fat dissolving injections?

Fat dissolving injections can be used to reduce pockets of fat on the face, neck and body.

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Individual results may vary. 

Talk to us today!

Every one is different and so we treat each person uniquely for the best possible results. 
Call now or book online today for a free no-obligation assessment with one of our Registered Nurses.

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BELKYRA® injection is a prescription medicine containing 10 mg/mL deoxycholic acid. It is used for the improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults.  Do not use in people allergic to this medicine, with infection at site of injection, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, difficulty swallowing, nausea, skin tightness, hypertension, injection site bruising/pain/swelling/numbness/redness/tingling/hardness/itching/discolouration/formation of small areas of hardness/warmth and injection site nerve injury.

BELKYRA® treatment is not funded on the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule. You will need to pay for this medicine. Normal Doctors visit fees apply. BELKYRA® treatment should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Speak to your specialist about your own situation and about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. For further information, the Data Sheet and Consumer Medicines Information can be accessed at www.medsafe.govt.nz or ask your doctor. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Note: Results from BELKYRA® treatment usually last up to four years. Allergan New Zealand Limited, Auckland. ©